Sales Management: Personal Values

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Your values shape your actions and decisions, guiding you through tough choices. Explore how personal values evolve with your growth.

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Course Overview

Here’s an overview of what we’ll be covering

Personal Values & Growth

Identify why values are the key to personal development and growth.

The Bias in Your Decision-Making

Review the need to understand bias in the decision-making process.

Knowing What You Stand for

Recognise the importance of setting personal standards and using these as a benchmark.

Finding Shared Values

Realise why finding shared values within the team is necessary in supporting collaboration and growth.

What's included?

  • 5 Interactive Chapters
  • 1 Certification
  • Pause & Think Sessions
  • Quiz to Test Yourself
  • Step-by-step Action Plan

Learn Professionally

We offer CPD-accredited courses designed to refine your sales performance and supercharge your sales skills.

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Learn at your pace with 100% online and interactive courses - possibility of having complimentary courses each.

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